AIM Methodology and Technology

 I often get the question from teachers: “How can I combine AIM methodology and technology?”

I have several answers:

1.      Singing AIM songs with Powerpoint presentations.

I find that presenting the vocabulary visually is the best way to introduce a song, and to sing along with the music while manually advancing the slides.

Click here for some AIM songs on PP (no music).

Click here for other songs (no music).

Click here for many PP songs on YouTube.


2. SMARTboard files.

Click here to purchase SMARTboard resources that go with AIM plays.


3. Using technology to do play readings and story retells/extensions.

a. Voicethread is an online platform that allows you to upload pictures and record your voice on individual slides. It also has a collaborative element because other people can record comments on your slideshow. Click here for an example of my two gr. 3 classes reciting “Le chat et la lune”.


b. Various iPad apps: Some of my students’ favourites are:

iMovie, SockPuppets, PuppetPals2, PuppetPalsHD, Yakit Kids, Tellagami, Haiku Deck, Explain Everything, Book Creator, DoInk Greenscreen.

Click here for an example of Louis la grenouille made with PuppetPalsHD.


c) Google Apps for Education

Students can create stories in Google Slides, then screencast their voice with Screencastify Chrome Extension, and edit and add music with WeVideo. Click here for an example.


I sometimes give students a Google doc of the script with some words highlighted in red. Students need to replace the words with their own words to create their own script. Then they decide what kind of technology to use to create a video of their script.


d) Flipsnack is a wonderful, free site, where students can create flipbooks. Click here for many examples of story retells of Louis la grenouille.


e) Storybird is a free site that allows you to create beautiful flipbooks using professional artists’ drawings. Click here for an example of a Hallowe’en version of “Louis la grenouille”.


4. Blogging

Blogging is a wonderful way to get your students writing en français with an authentic task and audience. There are many blogging platforms you can use. Kidblog is probably the easiest one to set up and manage. Click here for my grade 5 Core French blogs from a couple of years ago (to view blog, click on “Log in”, scroll down to “Guest”; password: guest).



As you can see, the possibilities are endless for combining AIM and technology. Click here for a presentation I created with more ideas, examples and tutorials. Also, be sure to follow the hashtag #aimlang on Twitter for other ideas from AIMazing teachers! On Facebook, (in addition to AIM Language Learning), there are two groups that have many AIM teachers with brilliant tech ideas: Ontario Core French Teachers, and Parlez Avec Pauline.


Amusez-vous bien avec la technologie!


Sylvia Duckworth